How To Avoid The Hidden Dangers Of Toxic Holiday Candles

candles, scented candles, non-toxic candle alternatives, non-toxic home, non-toxic holidays

The holidays are a time for celebration, family and friends, and of course, lots of candles.

It’s natural to want your home to smell like Christmas, but did you know that burning candles can be harmful to your health?

So, here we will discuss the toxic chemicals found in traditional candles, and what you can do to avoid them.

We will also explore some safe and healthy alternatives to traditional candles.

Be careful about where you buy your candles.

When you are buying candles, be sure to purchase them from a reputable source.

Many big-box stores sell candles that are made with paraffin wax and scented with synthetic fragrances.

When you are at the store or buying online, it is best to avoid these candles and look for ones that are made with beeswax or soy wax and scented with essential oils instead.

Avoid candles with lead wicks

One of the most important things to look for when choosing a candle is whether or not it has a lead wick.

Lead is a highly toxic metal that can be harmful to your health if you’re exposed to it over time.

Unfortunately, many candles on the market today have lead wicks, so it’s important to be careful when making your purchase.

So, be sure to check the wick to see if it is made from cotton or linen.

Cotton and linen wicks are less likely to release these chemicals.

Avoid scented candles

You should avoid scented candles altogether If you have any allergies,

Many scented candles contain synthetic fragrances that can trigger allergic reactions in some people.

These synthetic fragrances can contain dozens and dozens of different chemicals that make up the scent. The chemicals don’t have to be listed because it is a proprietary scent. But, these fragrances can contain phthalates. Phthalates help hold the scent in the candle so you smell it well after the flame is out.

Phthalates are associated with problems of the reproductive and respiratory systems, can disrupt the endocrine system (our hormones) and can also affect the liver and kidneys.

DO the smell test. If you get a strong perfume sent from the candle, put it back on the shelf.

Choose beeswax candles over paraffin candles

Beeswax candles are made from, you guessed it, beeswax! They’re a natural product that is much safer for your health than paraffin candles, which are made from petroleum products.

Beeswax candles also burn cleaner and brighter than paraffin candles, so they’re a great choice all around.

Plus, they make really great gifts!

Keep your candles away from children and pets

Children and pets are more susceptible to the harmful effects of toxic candles than adults.

Be sure to keep your candles out of reach to avoid any accidents.

Also, candles can be a fire hazard if they’re not used properly, so it’s best to err on the side of caution and keep them out of reach of little ones and the dog’s waging tail.

So, what are the alternatives?

candles, scented candles, non-toxic candle alternatives, non-toxic home, non-toxic holidays

Get battery-powered candles

I always have loved the glow of candles. That’s why battery-powered candles are an awesome alternative!

Better yet, get rechargeable candles

Rechargeable candles are even a better choice because you don’t have to keep buying batteries.

My brother got me some rechargeable tea lights for Christmas last year. I love them! I charge them during the day and then put them out at night all year long.

Scent your home with Stovetop Potpourri

Stovetop potpourri is such an easy and cheap way to scent your home without all of the chemicals.

There are so many recipes out there, but I simply just simmer some cloves in water on the stove and it makes the house smell like Christmas!

Check out 5 Stovetop Potpourri Recipes To Freshen Your Home. These recipes can be used all year long.


So, this holiday season, be sure to ditch the toxic candles and switch to a safer option. Not only will you avoid any dangers associated with their use, but you’ll also be helping out your home environment by keeping those pesky toxins out!

Have you made the switch already? Share your favorite candle alternatives in the comments below.

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If you need help finding other non-toxic products for your home and don’t know where to start, I have put together some of my favorites here to help you out!

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Note: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. If you suspect a hormone imbalance, consult with a healthcare professional.