Halloween Costume: How To Find One That Is Non-Toxic

Halloween costume, non-toxic halloween costume

It’s that time of year again to get that Halloween costume! Time to start thinking about what you and your little ones are going to be this year!

But before you run to the nearest store and buy the first costume you see, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

With so many toxic chemicals in everyday products, it’s important to be conscious of what you’re putting on your skin—especially if you’re going to be wearing it for hours at a time.

Here are a few tips on how to choose a non-toxic Halloween costume.

Halloween costumes, non-toxic Halloween costumes

Look For Natural Fabrics

The first step in choosing a non-toxic Halloween costume is to look for natural fabrics.

Stick to costumes made from natural fibers like cotton, wool, or linen.

Not only will they be more comfortable to wear, but you’ll also have the peace of mind knowing that they’re not off-gassing harmful chemicals.

Choose a simple Halloween costume

Another tip for choosing a non-toxic Halloween costume is to opt for a simple design.

The more complex a costume is, the more likely it is to contain toxic chemicals.

Additionally, simpler costumes are often more comfortable to wear and easier to take off at the end of the night.

Check The Label

Just because a costume is made from natural fibers doesn’t mean it’s automatically non-toxic.

Many conventional fabrics are treated with harmful chemicals like formaldehyde and scarily-named flame retardants.

So, before you buy anything, make sure to check the label. If it doesn’t say “organic” or “untreated,” put it back on the shelf.

Your health is worth more than a few extra dollars.

Avoid Halloween costumes made with PVC 

One of the most common toxic materials used in Halloween costumes is PVC.

PVC is a type of plastic that contains a number of harmful chemicals, including lead, cadmium, and phthalates.

These chemicals can be released into the air when the costume is worn, and can be inhaled or absorbed through the skin.

Steer clear of flame retardants

Some Halloween costumes can contain flame-retardant chemicals. These chemicals are not great because they have been linked to reproductive problems, hormone disruption and even cancer.

Choose fabrics that are naturally flame resistant like

Wool – which does not easily catch fire

Silk – which is a very slow-burning fabric

Polyester – another naturally flame-retardant fabric (still can melt at very high temps).

Halloween costumes, non-toxic Halloween costumes

Avoid Synthetic Add-Ons

Once you’ve found the perfect base for your costume, it’s tempting to add on synthetic accessories like glitter, feathers, or fake fur.

But these synthetic materials can also release harmful chemicals—particularly when they get wet.

So, if you must have them, make sure they’re well-made and free of any harmful chemicals.

And always test them out ahead of time to make sure they won’t irritate your skin. No one wants a costume that’s uncomfortable (and possibly dangerous) to wear! 

Avoid face paints containing lead 

Many face paints contain high levels of lead, which can be harmful if ingested or absorbed through the skin.

Lead exposure can cause a number of health problems, including developmental delays, learning difficulties, and behavior problems.

Here are some safer options that are free of nano particles, heavy metals, parabens, phthalates, formaldehyde, petroleum-based pigments and animal products.

Klee Naturals

Natural Face Paint

Safe Halloween Costumes

Here are links to some ideas of non-toxic Halloween costumes.

Sara’s SIlks has some really cute costumes!

Check out these masks out on Etsy.

Hanna Anderson has organic PJ’s that can also double as a Halloween costumes.

Halloween costumes, non-toxic Halloween costumes


With a little bit of planning and forethought, it’s easy to find a non-toxic Halloween costume that both you and your kids will love! Just remember to look for natural fabrics, check the label for harmful chemicals, and avoid synthetic add-ons whenever possible. By following these simple tips, you can rest assured knowing that your family will be safe and comfortable while they enjoy all the fun that Halloween has to offer!

And, be sure to check out 10 Smart Ways To Go Toxin-Free On A Budget for ideas on how to get the toxins out of your home.

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If you need help finding other non-toxic products for your home and don’t know where to start, I have put together some of my favorites here to help you out!

Just so you know…the links that I share here are affiliate links. This means if you make a purchase from one of my recommendations, I may receive a small commission. This is at no extra cost to you!)

Note: This blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. If you suspect a hormone imbalance, consult with a healthcare professional.