5 Stovetop Potpourri Recipes to Freshen Your Home

stove top potpourri, natural home fragrance


There’s Something About The Smell Of Spring That Just Feels Refreshing.

Maybe It’s The Warmer Weather, Or The Flowers Finally Blooming, But Either Way,

We Can All Agree That It’s A Nice Change From The Winter Months. I Don’t Know About You, But I Am Done With The Cold!

If we are going to be doing some spring cleaning and organizing, why not get your home smelling good as well?

While scented candles may make your home smell nice, they can actually be quite dangerous.

Many scented candles contain toxic chemicals that can be released into the air when they are burned.

These toxins can cause problems for people with respiratory conditions, and they can also be harmful to pets.

Fortunately, there are ways to enjoy the scent of spring without using candles.

One great option is to make your own stovetop potpourri.

This is a non-toxic way to make your home smell fresh, and it’s also very easy to do.

What is stovetop potpourri?

Stovetop potpourri is a mixture of dried herbs, spices, and fruits that are simmered on the stove to release their scent.

It’s a great way to get your entire house smelling fresh without using candles, sprays, plug-ins or other potentially harmful scents.

How do you make non-toxic stovetop potpourri?

Making non-toxic stovetop potpourri is very easy.

All you need is a mixture of dried herbs, spices, and fruits.

Simply simmer the mixture on the stove for a few minutes to release the scent.

What Do You Need?

All you need is a small pot, water and whatever herbs, spices and fruit you have on hand.

You can also try this cool simmer pot that I found. I haven’t used it but, it seems like it would be great to use in other areas of your home other than just the kitchen.


What are some good non-toxic stovetop potpourri recipes?

There are many great non-toxic stovetop potpourri recipes out there. Again, use what you have and experiment.

You can’t really go wrong! Except for garlic. You can probably go wrong with garlic!

But, here are five recipes to start with:

Tip: There is not really a set amount of ingredients to place into the water for each recipe. Start with smaller amounts and see which scent you like the best.

Rosemary and Lemon


  • Rosemary
  • Lemon Peel
  • Water


This refreshing combination is perfect for springtime. Simply simmer the rosemary, lemon peel, and water on the stove for a few minutes to release the scent.

Lavender and Vanilla


  • Dried Lavender Flowers
  • Vanilla Beans
  • Water


This calming combination is perfect for relaxing in the springtime. Simply simmer lavender flowers, vanilla beans, and water on the stove for a few minutes to release the scent.

Basil and Lemon


  • Basil Leaves
  • Lemon Peel
  • Water


This soothing combination is perfect for relaxation. Simply simmer a mixture of basil leaves, lemon peel and water on the stove.

Eucalyptus and Mint


  • Eucalyptus Leaves
  • Mint Leaves
  • Water


This invigorating combination is perfect for waking up in the springtime. Simply simmer a mixture of eucalyptus, mint leaves and water on the stove.

Ginger and Lime


  • Ginger Root
  • Lime
  • Water


This zesty combination is perfect for summertime. Simply simmer a mixture of ginger root, lime peel, and water on the stove.


There you have it! Five great non-toxic stovetop potpourri recipes to get your home smelling like spring.

Non-toxic stovetop potpourri is a great way to get your house smelling amazing without using candles or other potentially harmful scents.

You can use whatever herbs, spices, and fruit you have on hand, and you can experiment with different combinations until you find one that you like.

So, what are you waiting for? Give them a try today!

Do you have any recipes of your own? Share in the comments below!

(And, just so you know…the links that I share here are affiliate links. This means if you make a purchase from one of my recommendations I may receive a small commission. This is at no extra cost to you!)